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General And Laparoscopic Surgery

General surgery is a vital medical specialty that encompasses a wide range of surgical procedures. It focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing various surgical conditions affecting the body's organs and structures.

A laparoscopic surgeon at Prashant Hospital in Muzaffarpur possesses expertise in performing surgeries related to the abdomen, including the digestive system, as well as procedures involving the breast, head and neck, blood vessels, and more.


Appendectomy removes the inflamed appendix due to appendicitis, characterised by abdominal pain, nausea, and fever.

Prompt surgery prevents ruptures and complications. Minimally invasive laparoscopy with small incisions and specialised instruments is commonly used. It is vital to address appendicitis and ensure a smooth recovery.


Cholecystectomy becomes necessary when cholecystitis or complications from gallstones occur. It can be performed through open surgery or minimally invasive Laparosopic techniques, using small incisions and camera guidance.

Recovery involves a short hospital stay and the gradual resumption of normal activities within a few weeks. Potential risks include bleeding, infection, bile duct injury, or organ injury. Complications like bile leakage or retained stones are possible.

Hernia repair

Hernia repair surgery addresses organ or tissue protrusion through a weakened abdominal wall, relieving pain and discomfort.

It can be done via open or laparoscopic techniques. Open surgery repairs the area with sutures or mesh, while laparoscopic surgeons in Patna use small incisions and specialized instruments. Recovery involves limited activity for a few weeks, avoiding heavy lifting.

Potential risks include infection, bleeding, hernia recurrence, or damage to nearby structures. Successful surgery improves patients' quality of life.

Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive approach, is necessary for gallbladder removal, hernia repair, and abdominal procedures. It uses small incisions, a camera, and specialized instruments, allowing faster recovery with minimal scarring and reduced pain.

Close follow-up care, post-operative instructions, and prompt reporting of symptoms are crucial for a successful recovery.


Laparoscopic bariatric surgery is necessary for individuals with severe obesity to achieve weight loss and improve their health.

It is performed using minimally invasive techniques, reducing incisions and promoting faster recovery. Potential risks and complications include infection, bleeding, blood clots, leaks

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